Defence & Aerospace

Serving both Manufacturing & Maintenance Work

When it comes to Defence & Aerospace manufacturing or maintenance, A Class Plating would be happy to help where we can.

Our processes & services include:

  • Electro-plating (for example, chrome plating, zinc plating or silver plating)

  • Electro-less plating (plating without electric current)

  • Metal polishing (including Electro-polishing)

  • Metal stripping, pickling or cleaning

  • Repairing (for example filling, soldering, welding, smoothing)

  • Other coatings or surface finishes (If you have a unique requirement, we can advise on feasibility of introducing or adapting processes to suit)

At A Class Plating we pride ourselves on our ability to finish and treat metal surfaces – and do it well. Our aim is to deliver quality surface finishing results for our customers from any industry.

We’ve done a number of defence & aerospace related jobs over the years. A common question from defence companies is “Do you plate to spec?”

The answer is usually “it depends” (on the specification, process & job type). Let us know what you need and we’ll do our best to help if we can.

Defence Example