Privacy Policy

Dinki Di Investments Pty Ltd (trading as A Class Plating) is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information about individuals (i.e. customers, suppliers, staff, others) in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Australia).


The types of information we may collect include: names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ABNs, credit information, bank reference numbers, information about customer job requirements, and so on. This information may be used to:

  • provide our products or services to you

  • administer and manage our transactions with, and services to, you (including the management of credit, billing and collection of debts)

  • carry out credit checks

  • verify your identity

  • send you news or information or otherwise communicate with you for our business purposes.

Personal information:

A Class Plating endeavours to only collect personal information which is necessary to the process of doing business with you. Whilst some information collected may identify individuals, we endeavour to only use the information for the purposes for which it is collected.

Sensitive information:

A Class Plating endeavours to ensure it does not collect, keep, nor disclose sensitive information except where it is essential to the effective conduct of the company’s affairs. Where possible A Class Plating will only collect such information directly from the individual.

Protecting Information:

A Class Plating is committed to ensuring all information collected is stored and used in a manner that minimizes the risk of accidental transmission of the information. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our employees respect the confidentiality of any personal or private information held by us.


Information will only be disclosed outside the company for the purposes of carrying out the business of the company, delivering service to the customer, etc, meaning that information may be transmitted to organisations or individuals such as:

  • external service providers (e.g. who may also have a role in providing service to the individual)

  • representatives of the individual (e.g. work colleagues or family members authorised to act on the individual’s behalf)

  • credit reporting or fraud checking agencies

  • credit providers relating to such areas as credit worthiness, credit rating, credit provision and financing

  • our professional advisers including accountants, auditors, lawyers, consultants

  • any future owner/s of the business of A Class Plating (or part),

  • Government and regulatory authorities and other organisations, as required, or authorised, by any law.

Accuracy of Information:

A Class Plating is committed to ensuring that information (especially information which is to be transmitted elsewhere) is kept as up to date and accurate as possible. However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you provide us initially and the extent to which you keep us informed of any changes to your personal contact or other details.

Access to Personal Information:

A Class Plating will allow individuals access to their own personal information subject to limitations placed on this by law.

More information:

If you wish to discuss any aspect of this Privacy Policy, request correction of information or make a complaint, please contact the Privacy Officer of A Class Plating on +61 8 8384 4331 or email us using the contact details provided within this website.